Associated Events
(postponed for 2024)
International School on Tool-based Rigorous Engineering of Software Systems
The International School on Tool-based Rigorous Engineering of Software Systems (STRESS) series aims to provide top-quality lectures and innovative pedagogical material that provide young researchers with:
- Instructions in existing and emerging formal methods and software engineering techniques that are tool-supported and process-oriented
- Insights into how software is developed in the real world, including emphasis on domains such as safety/mission-critical software and embedded systems where the development effort associated with tool-based formal methods promises greatest returns
- Case-studies and example domains in which formal methods have been successfully transitioned into actual development along with insights in how to bridge the gap between research tools and actual development processes
- Additional pedagogical resources and personal contacts that they can explore for the purpose of increasing the impact of their research.
Submission link:
RERS 2022
Challenge on Rigorous Examination of Reactive Systems
The RERS Challenge 2022 is the 9th International Challenge on the Rigorous Examination of Reactive Systems and is co-located with ISoLA 2022. RERS is designed to encourage software developers and researchers to apply and combine their tools and approaches in a free style manner to answer evaluation questions for reachability and LTL formulas on specifically designed benchmarks. The goal of this challenge is to provide a basis for the comparison of verification techniques and available tools.
The main aims of RERS 2022 are to :
- Encourage the combination of usually different research fields for better software verification results
- Provide a comparison foundation based on differently tailored benchmarks that reveals the strengths and weaknesses of specific approaches
- Initiate a discussion for better benchmark generation reaching out across the usual community barriers to provide benchmarks useful for testing and comparing a wide variety of tools
For more information visit the RERS 2022 website.
Submission link:
Doctoral Symposium
Doctoral Symposium with Poster Session and Postconference Proceedings
ISoLA 2021 will again host a Doctoral Symposium to provide young researchers with valuable scientific feedback and networking opportunities. Master and PhD students are invited to present their research ideas and projects, discuss them with the scientific community, and establish collaborations in their field of research.
The Doctoral Symposium will be held as combination of poster sessions and short presentations. Posters will be on display all along the ISoLA symposium, and generous coffee breaks will offer plenty of time for elaborate discussion of the posters. Additionally there will be a Doctoral Symposium session in the conference program, where all participants give short presentations of their work.
Submission link:
To be announced
Industrial Day
The infrastructure of the 21st century is defined by Software: Software is the basis for almost every aspect of our daily lives and work: communication, banking, trade, production, transportation – to name only a few. This has led to a situation in which in many industrial and manufacturing companies with no particular background in Software, Software crept into processes and products – first slowly then with an ever increasing pace and scope, culminating in the mantra that “every company needs to become a Software company”.
From a technological perspective, the current situation is defined by a number of transformative technological innovations driven by advances in Software. In order to fully leverage the potential of this digital transformation, companies need strategies for the following three interdependent challenges:
- Digital transformation of companies and business models
- Software engineering for/with AI (e.g., trained components), and
- Rigorous software development for safety-critical systems.
What is missing today is a sound and holistic Software engineering approach to these three defining challenges. The classical engineering process for safety critical applications starts with a (semi-)formal requirements specification, which is required to be complete and correct. While this idealized process is typically not achievable, the requirements specification is later assumed as main input for test and verification.
In the case of digital transformation, the finally successful business model is typically not known at the outset and Software has to change continuously while exploring the space of opportunities.
For the development of AI-based systems, in place of a requirements specification a huge data collection is used. This data collection is incomplete and may even contain a minimum percentage of incorrect data samples. In a sense, AI-based systems are machine-programmed using engineer-selected training data.
To this end, the industrial provides a forum for contributions that focus on (a) integrating business and technical perspectives and (b) address industrial challenges in the Software and Data life cycles – from business models to over-the-air updates during operations from a formal methods perspective – or (c) offer concepts, modeling formalisms, (formal) methods, tools, and quality metrics for every phase of the Software life-cycle.
The industrial day aims at bringing together practitioners and researchers to explore the challenges and discuss progress made towards the goals sketched above — especially from a formal methods perspective.